Wednesday, March 7, 2007

God, That's A Good Question!

I read an awesome question, posed by God Himself, in Job 41:11 this morning: "Who has first given to me, that I should repay him?"

Think about that for a while.

It is not even possible that you or I could have given anything to God first that he should want to repay us. He existed before the foundation of the world, and no one could have given Him anything in order to have Him extend His love to us. And yet He did, especially when He sent His Son into the world to bear our sins for us, be crucifed, buried and raised on the third day. Now the Son sits in heaven with His Father, and some day He will return again to collect his bride whom He dearly loves.

Could we have caused any of these things ourselves? Certainly not! It is only by God's miraculous Sovereignty and Grace that He does. Let's thank Him for that today with every breath that we take. He deserves that much, and so much more.


Charles J. Paul said...

I think alot of us need to stop and take a good look at this post. And ask ourselves do we put God in such a tight box that we take the fact that He is God away from Him.

Just ask yourself do you think that God needs you to agree with Him on something in order for it to be so. If that is the case, that is a problem that must be taken care of.

Brian Bivens said...

Excellent post Joe, thanks for sharing.

Shannon said...

I appreciate the insight, Joe. How true it is. We are but dust. Who is man that God is mindful of him?! Oh, what a merciful God we serve!